无论黄金男孩们的意图如何,Compound是如何出现这种危险的呢?Compound是去中心化代币投票的先驱之一,其拥有17的中本聪系数,使其比许多权益证明网络更加去中心化。然而,黄金男孩们的利用暴露了CompoundDAO的选民冷漠。黄金男孩们得以通过提案289,仅占总COMP供应量的不到7%。这是因为许多代币持有者选择不投票 —— 平均而言,仅有51名Compound的近5000名成员在链上提案上投票。但这并未反映在现有的去中心化指标和概念中。这是一个大问题。
Token-centric metrics miss other forms of centralization too. What if 80% of voters in a DAO have been bribed to vote for a proposal? Bribery doesn’t affect token holdings, so a token-centric metric won’t capture it. The same is true for groupthink, collusion, and other ways in which control of a DAO’s governance may fall to a single or small number of groups.
To measure decentralization in a way that matches meaningful notions of the robustness of a DAO’s governance, there’s a crying need for a new metric.
To better understand the true degree of decentralization in a DAO, we propose a new family of metrics called Voting Bloc Entropy or VBE (pronounced “vibe”) for short. As the name suggests, VBE does not just measure token holdings in individual wallet addresses. It takes into account clusters of token holders that are exhibiting similar voting patterns. We call such a cluster a “voting bloc,” by analogy to voting blocs in political systems. Voting blocs may be loose coalitions or they may be self-identifying groups of individuals like the Golden Boys. VBE measures whether there are large, dominant voting blocs — what we regard as the key form of centralization in DAO governance.
In the case of the Golden Boys, a VBE metric would treat all the attackers’ votes as a single voting bloc, regardless of how many wallets they split their tokens into. It would also treat all of the non-participating voters in CompoundDAO as a bloc, since they too exhibit aligned behavior. Those voters, the majority by voting weight, would constitute a single, massive bloc that we call an “inactivity whale.” That huge bloc which the Golden Boys exploited — would imply low VBE and thus poor decentralization in Compound.
One of the most important benefits of a good decentralization metric is that it leads to useful, actionable guidance about how to reinforce decentralization. Our recent research enumerates a number of key lessons that VBE offers on DAO decentralization. For example, you might expect delegation to increase centralization by concentrating voting power. Surprisingly, our results show that when a DAO has a big inactivity whale, delegation can shrink the whale and lead to higher VBE, i.e., higher decentralization.
To illuminate the state of decentralization across the DAO landscape, we’ve created a new resource for the community: The IC3 VBE dashboard, which offers ways to compare VBE across DAOs (although some caution is warranted in cross-DAO comparisons) and enables DAOs to monitor fluctuations in VBE over time. As a proxy for the “health” of a DAO, VBE can help DAO operators guide governance practices.